A Framework for Conscious Living: 5 Tips for Living in the Present

Riche Lim
2 min readMay 4, 2022

My philosophy for living was to go with the flow, to roll with the punches. But this zen stance on life, if not properly understood, can be harmful. We can fall into the trap of living on auto-pilot. Letting life push us around. Letting events happen to us instead of the other way around.

We need to remind ourselves to take control. Here are my own reminders.

1. Be clear with the why.

Remind yourself why you’re making this specific decision.

What’s the trigger? Be clear with your reasoning. Don’t decide for the sake of making decisions.

2. Focus on your happiness.

Choose your own happiness because the world won’t choose it for you.

Take care of your own needs first. Our relationships and interactions can be extractive and draining if aren’t conscious about our choices.

3. Make use of your pauses.

Use your breaks to take stock of your life.

It’s hard to check ourselves if we are constantly rushing and moving. When you get a chance to pause, figure out where you are in life.

4. Ask for whom you’re making the decision for.

It’s okay to center your decision around other people. Just be certain those ‘others’ matter to you.

We can be swayed to make choices for an abstract ‘greater good’, for an ‘invisible’ other. Be conscious about the community and society you want to serve. That clarity will keep you grounded when times get tough.

5. Check for unconscious assumptions.

Check your assumptions behind each decision, and whether they are valid.

We have unspoken assumptions every time we make risky decisions. These assumptions can make sense, but it can also be a product of our stubbornness: clinging to assumptions that no longer hold true.

Live in the present.

Conscious living takes work.

Going on auto-pilot is simple, comfortable, and tempting. But don’t fall into these habits. It’s only when we live in the present and own up to our choices that we can truly live a fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

That’s the secret to finding meaning: Purpose needs to be driven and sought actively. It doesn’t just happen.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Educator; Tech & Digital Enthusiast; Arts & Music Lover || Ateneo + Stanford GSB